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Thelonious Jawn is an artist/activist collective of musicians and producers hellbent on making dance music for the humanist revolution (spearheaded by songwriter & producer Reverend TJ McGlinchey.) Supported by some of Philadelphia’s best musicians and producers (Matt Muir, Vince Tampio, Nils Mossblad, Dani Mari), featuring some new players on the Philly funk scene (Mr. B., Nicole Colón), with mixing and mastering by Turtle Studios; the collective’s debut album New Europe/Blasted City takes you on a 40-minute psychedelic/funkalicious musical journey through the mind of a human being acutely concerned for the future of our species. Their first single ‘Vote This Mutha Out’, and a good portion of the album as a whole, is a no-nonsense, old-school funk groove with a protest chant squarely aimed at the 2020 election. Stay tuned for more from this newly-minted group as the fall of the American Empire continues to decimate our democracy.