Spectrum and info
Sanity was not the first song I initially planned on releasing . However , because of my desire to connect to people through music. I felt that it was necessary to tell my story and express how brutal a battle with depression and mental health could be . I was deeply depressed when I wrote Sanity. It was the first time I was really that honest about what I was feeling in a song . I wrote it with the mentality that I had nothing to lose by being real. It brought me so much liberation, as difficult as it was to write. It is the most vulnerable piece of work I have ever invested in. My intention with the release of Sanity is to raise awareness around Mental health. And effectively communicate how detrimental it can be if you do not actively seek help or you consciously or unconsciously let it unravel . Essentially, Sanity is the doorway into my depressed mind , my journey with depression and how even though liberation was possible it felt like a distant fantasy .