Spectrum and info
For a client of my yoga business I made some soundscapes to fit under a recording for self-help practice before sleep. I used field recordings and live instrumentation of synthesizers, guitar and fx pedals to create drone like atmospheres. I used both analogue and digital subtractive, additive and FM synthesis to create the different timbres in the sound.

I ended up enjoying the process and the results so I decided to edit the one hour soundscape into shorter bits and releasing them as ambient tracks.

This is probably the least "engaging" music I have ever made and it goes against any of my normal likings for ecstatic dance music, psychedelic beats and heavy tribal vibes, but I found it quite soothing and calming so worth a share. The effectiveness for relaxation or meditation probably depends on your sensitivity and preference.

I am going to share the tracks one by one to this album as free downloads to which you can donate to support my work.

All tracks are in C/G and 80bpm. If you'd like to remix the tracks feel free to contact me for stems.

Sleep well.