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'Heavy Weather', the debut album from RMR is the second release on The Rebel Cause Record Label. This twelve song opus works its way through multiple genres exposing the prolific nature of the three talented musicians that created this record. 
The album is built on the story of a small Texas town dealing with the onset, arrival and aftermath of a tornado. It explores the relationships and stories involving several of the townsfolk that reside within its borders.
Accompanying the album and each of its three singles is a forth extended single that features five versions of the anti hero saga 'Soul of Texas'. Built off the core, three man unit, each interpretation takes on a life of its own. The versions of the song give way to classical, rock, acoustic and soul in an imaginative and unconventional manner that make this Extended Single the first of its kind.
This is an album worth it weight in Gold. Not only is it replete with great writing, playing and singing, it stands apart by the depth to which it ventures into multiple genres and strays from the normally used patterns associated with each style. The Songs apply their own take on Funk, Rock, R&B, Soul, Jazz and just a hint of Country as they roar across the record like a freight train. The album is a shotgun, fully loaded with custom bullets occupying each chamber. 
'Heavy Weather' is performed, written and arranged by Drummer extraordinaire and talented Arranger, Chris Rao - Bassist, Music Veteran and Punk Legend, Pete McClanahan along with Singer, Producer and Composer, David John Ricci.
All instrumentation and vocals are arranged and performed entirely by the three band members with exception of a solo by Alto Sax King, Dave Bolander of the New Providence Big Band on 'Ain't Nobody'. The basic tracks were not only recorded live in either one or two takes but written and performed without rehearsal across several three song sessions lasting no more than two hours.
This spontaneous approach to writing and recording, gives birth to a richly dynamic album, that is no less then a strong left hook to the body. Earmarked with a definitive presence from start to finish and long afterward. The album revolves in your subconscious as you find yourself singing the hooks and humming melody lines.