Curtis Paul - Business (Original Mix)
KEY: Bm BPM: 89
Spectrum and info
In between the buildings they sat. Next turn and walk down the stairs. Something is watching them but they don’t care. There they all are. The machines work a way. Stamping out material and pushing it on down the line. So where do we start?

The flower garden with a pear tree. The warm sweet air of summer gardens. Cycles of senses and new understandings. Every new year becomes even more interesting than before. Hard are the visions that come too soon.

It’s a form of communication. A primitive form of telepathic social conversation. Others chop it up and vibrate portions of it at higher or lower frequencies depending on their objective purpose. Then the work begins. The switches are thrown and levers moved into their run positions. Few step back. Support is due to those who do for the sake of doing.

The slash burn techniques and the immolation of earth. Natural science leads to natural warnings and it’s as simple as that. The unavoidable paradox of being. There is nothing left but compassion and understanding. Those are fire proof. Give back and move forward together.

I wish I had a pear in my hand sometimes. To smell the breeze come in from the river through lilacs and trees. Just before dusk. It’s about slowing the mind down due to exhaustion. The external interfaces of machines are structured surgically. A strong desire for direct I/O but with no words to express how. An artistic desire to define an imaginary interface that was mechanical in reality is the only means for high interoperability efficiency. The mind and body are complicated like that. Wasn’t my choice.

I just need a set of tom toms. It’s the only thing I don’t seem to have in my house. I’ve had plenty of time lately to review my place in this space. It’s been many weeks now, we started weeks before everyone else. We have our food delivered. It comes in bags. We try not to touch the bags. One person, the same person, always removes the food items from the bags and then disinfects them. Right now death is unnecessary. We have too much to do.

If one is still breathing then there is always something to do. Finding dimension in a song versus melody is an interesting adventure in exploration. Thank you. Dig in and see what happens next.

Automation makes it possible to keep up with the ever increasing demands of intellectual ebb and flow. Some of us welcome these ratcheting up of changes. It stimulates a synchronization others generally classify as anxiety. Maybe it’s actually a multi-dimensional mental idea indexing timer? Is it all just a figure eight school bus race? Or maybe it’s just anxiety and it’s time to calm down. Work in the mind a bit longer than usual since there is a bit more time available. Let’s see what interesting things come of it as there is so much more data to process at this age. Sometimes an upgrade is just necessary. Memory and the constructs of time inform the discipline at times but not always, it’s important to always learn new skills regardless.

