

label: Detox Electronics
Detox Electronics welcomes PEIX with his powerful 'Ludic EP". Nothing is as it seems and all is just a matter of perspective. Be playful in thinking and you will figure out that it is about dreams and inspiration. Change the perspective and ludic becomes lucid.
Free your mind and experience the power of PEIX' music on each of the three tracks. 'Susumu's Dream' is a mesmerizing tribute to legendary Japanaese producer Susumu Yokota (R.I.P.)
'Uros' Tought' releases the pounding energy which you could find in Umek's earlier tracks.
'Bekinski's Nightmare' is as dark and haunting as the paintings of Zdzisław Bekiński.
Experience and ask yourself: Are you hearing this sound or is it just in your dreams?
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