
in embrace of human biomass

label: Young & Talented
Do you call yourself human? Do you consider yourself normal? How often do you watch the news on TV? Do you know what and how the sausages are made, which you throw in your mouth while watching the next entertaining show? How long can you last without a sausage? Do you buy the most expensive fur coat and always with natural fur? How socially influenced are you?

When you were a teenager, did you enjoy going to school? Did you beat your classmates or did you enjoy hitting the younger ones better? Did a crowd beat one? Or maybe they beat you yourself?

Are you a member of any collective? Are you happy with everything in him? Do they all agree with each other? What do you do with those who think differently?

Do you work? Looking for career advancement? Do you like your job? Do you imagine your life without work? Are you afraid to be left without money?

Do you remember your childhood? Do you remember how your parents swore? Which one of them screamed louder?

Do you love the place where you live? And your country? And the people who live in it? Do you sincerely love the president? Or maybe you are a patriot? Did you serve in the army? Ready to kill?

Do you trust medicine and science? Do you adore the strongest? Do you always pray to God only in the temple? Do you believe that authorities are always right? Are you a believer?

How important is it to you what other people think of you? Do you feel safe among the crowd? Do you think the majority cannot be fools? How do you feel about people who are somehow different from the rest? Do you like being visible? Do you always express your opinion openly in any dialogue? Do you have your opinion? Are you an impulsive person? Are you like everyone else? Everyone is beating, and you are standing? Are you hitting too? You he or it?

Who do you like more, people or animals? And from animals do you love only cats and dogs? Do you love horses, pigs and cows? Are rabbits and lambs your favorite animals, especially with pieces of their dead bodies lying on your plate? Where do you think people have so much aggression, hatred, cruelty and madness? Why do people kill animals and why do they kill each other? Many people behave even worse than animals, don't they? Or maybe they are animals? Is it possible to feel joy, to be healthy and truly human when there is always decaying animal flesh inside you? Have you seen how animals are killed? How do people get killed? Do you think they experience the same pain?

How much time did you spend studying? Are you proud of your knowledge? Do you have any professional achievements? Do you consider yourself smart, self-critical and capable of logical thinking? Do you like being part of this system? Do you benefit this society? Do you think like the majority? Have you ever thought that something is wrong with you and the world around you?

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Young & Talented Records: https://vk.link/ytlabel

Sub-Label "Kapral Records": https://vk.link/kapralrecords

Bass-label "elect audio": https://vk.link/electaudio
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