
Second Sight

Duo Alias
label: Variance
Variance welcome on board New Zealanders Duo Alias, with this 8 track album "Second Sight" the first album to be released by one artist (or in this case a duo) on Variance. This album is wonderfully crafted and put together, the tracks play well after each other if you just want to download for you're listening pleasure, and if you are a looking for tracks to mix in your sets, you will most certainly have fun with the tracks on this release. The album is full of instant classic mayhem, from "Pressure of the Drop" to "Sewer Junk" each track is unique yet the vibe throughout the album is consistent and unforgiving. Duo Alias are a great act, they were Variance Podcast 001, they had a great track on VAR3000 free Bandcamp download wiht "Future Tense" and now this album, and in my opinion their venture into Variance has just began. Watch this space for more.
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