
Ghost Town

label: Lostcolor
The next day strange things started to happen. Paintsborough became bleaching. The streets were coming pale, the houses were fading away. The color was withering, tarnishing, vanishing. The citizens were losing their typical shades - some had tails, others had eyes and still others hands - all gone pale.
Everyone was walking about showing grief, dismay hardly ever smiling. Confused, they were asking each other: - What has happened, who knows? Nobody new the right answer: one was blaming the soiled apples, another was regretting the bad dream. The only man rubbing his hands was Mr Salvatori, but nobody could understand why.
Augustus the wolf, Stan the pig, Arcy the puppyfox and Sean the bear were watching the townsmen and failed to understand why they all became so inert. It was not their first performance in towns and every time they witnessed the same story.
Ugh! Again they are wending! Whats the matter with these people? Yesterday we had such a brilliant show! - Arcy was boiling over. He was an artist to the bone and his delicate sensibility could not afford the existence of someone displeased with their concert.
- Yeah, strange stuff, but you know Im also tired a bit, - replied Augustus.
Lets go to the forest or what?
- Thats an idea! - supported Stan, - Long since we had a rest like humans.
- Thank God, we are not them - added Sean, - I bet Salvatori would rather not know about this.
Salvatori was going around the Head feeling delighted and was selling the candies.
- An enchanted candy to make you feel elated? Just for 100 collors! Come over!
- He was pleased with anyones dreary and dull face. He grew up an orphan and was often in such mood, but nobody new the details. Moreover no one ever saw him feeling sad.
- Hatter! - he called. - Come, take care of candies, they go off hard! And bring me the Moon!
It had been long since Salvatori invented his circus, but he was traveling for quite long. The Moon and the Hatter with his Belly were his circle of confidants.
- Ill go for a sleep. Tired. Look after the rest! - commanded Salvatori and went to his place.

Meanwhile, the anubises set off to the mystic forest. The took away some coffee of magical nuts, the instruments and a book of tales to read, just to read in the mood. It took some time for them to find a tree hollow, dry and cosy enough to feel comfortable inside.
- Ah, what a lovely day for drinking coffee in the forest! - noticed Arcy with pleasure, and started pouring it out. - By the way, wheres Martha gone?
Augustuss glance went heavy.
- I dont know, shes just, disappeared. I didnt realize a thing. One day I found a message on a pillow. She wrote she must go, thats all. I couldnt understand
- Oh, a damage case, those women. You cant understand them with your reason. - said Arcy parting Augustuss shoulder, - just let it go. You will finally come to.
- Well, I never kept in mind
- Sorry, my mistake to start it all. I actually would like to tell my idea about a music performance. What do you think about making a performance in town just to cheer up the audience a little bit? We wont certainly tell Salvatori anything, of course.
Everyone was for it.
To be continued.
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