

label: Monolith Rec
At first the art of music sought purity, limpidity and sweetness of sound, but by evolving, it got to be more and more complicated, striving to amalgamate the most dissonant, strange and harsh elements, constantly pushing to enlarge and enrich the field of sounds. The more compositions born, the more we need new elements to combine if we want something really new. Such tendency leads us towards the most complicated dissonances, so that our perception might be altered to the point that what we normally conceive as pure sound no longer arouses any emotion, because of its smallness and its monotype. Does noise become sound to this point? Generally we refer to noise as "what it is not" (not acceptable sound, not music, not valid, not a message or a meaning) it's not signal, signal being the intended meaning or message. It can be seen as the negativity: it exists only in relation to what it is not, and In turn, it helps to structure and define its opposite; it's actually unrelated to human perception and unnecessarily computationally expensive. Being defined against a dynamic entity such as music, noise itself is unstable as what is or is not music shifts, so too does noise. Imagine it as a freedom tool, increasing the amount of chances, bringing novelty and invention; it's more like dark matter which may be what allows a structure for everything else to exist. The challenge is to give a shape to such matter intended as something we perceive as a meaningful happening, but is only when we it gets somehow fixed and quantifiable, as well as constrained within limits that we can succeed and find a shape; it is when we find the harmony in the dissonance that we gain our inner peace.
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